Igor + Valentine is the creative mind of directors Matt Smithson and David Stanfield.
The name does not refer to any two distinct people, but hints at a creative split personality that Matt and David share, get lost in, and ultimately choose to embrace.
Igor is a mad scientist, a constant tinkerer with an insatiable appetite for wild experimentation. Valentine is a distinguished gentleman, a precise technician, and an eloquent storyteller.
You’ll see signs of both Igor and Valentine in every piece of work here.
Matt Smithson
MATT SMITHSON is a director, animator, designer, and maker of odd drawings of ghosts and things.
From 2006 - 2017, Matt worked under the name Man vs Magnet, working for such clients as IBM, Showtime, Samsung, and MTV, and do-gooders such as The Girl Effect, UNESCO, and the Ford Foundation.
From humorous, craftily cut animations to uplifting films, Matt creates with a unique style that attracts clients from all over the world. He was recognized with a Young Gun award from Art Director's Club, and his work was displayed at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York as part of the "Why Design Now?" Triennial Exhibition.
Personal Work
David Stanfield
DAVID STANFIELD is a motion designer and director who has had the honor to work with clients like Google, Airbnb, Patagonia, Reddit, The Atlantic, Zendesk, Vox, and many others.
David co-founded and ran the international motion design collaboration 9 Squares, which in its single year of life was featured in Wired U.S., Wired Germany, Killscreen, Vormplatform, among others. The project was also featured at the Tate Museum of Art in London, where David helped run an animation workshop alongside co-creators Al Boardman and Skip Hursh. A one-off round of 9 Squares was projected in the Francis Bacon gallery of the Tate as part of the exhibition.
David has been featured on the Animalators podcast, the School of Motion podcast, and has served as a mentor in the Mograph Mentor online school for motion graphics.